Hello, World! It's #EarthDay!


April 22, 2021 was officially designated EarthDay, a day (or days) where folks around the world organize events and conversations to drive actionable impact on climate change.

Within the Microsoft Developer Relations team, we decided to run a challenge of our own - the #VisualGreenTech challenge, with 24 daily prompts that were designed to raise awareness and action from the community around both sustainable living (community) and sustainable software engineering (technology). The prompts ran from Apr 7 - Apr 30, with Apr 22 (Earth Day) being a featured pit stop on that journey.

Here are the prompts we are sharing throughout April. Your goal? Review the recommended resource and think about the associated prompt. Then sketch and share your response to it on social media using the #VisualGreenTech tag.

VisualGreenTech prompts

The challenge was a collaborative effort between the Green Advocacy team, the Hello World show producers, and the Mobile Advocacy team (where visual storytelling is a new initiative). You can learn more about the inspiration for the challenge, watch the #EarthDay special episode, or read the recap post from the event.

In the next few posts, we’ll dive into some of the prompts and review some of the amazing community submissions to the challenge!

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